Kairos V2.0 is now available. How do you relate a market to particular planet(s)/degree movements? The new version has many new Gann Analysis features including applying Data Analysis to Gann/Astro Finance. The Time Projections and Analysis module will help you analyze a market to find the best planet(s)/degree movements. There are also real-time algorithmic features where you can configure custom indicators

Here are the features of the new version:
Reatime/Intraday Modules include
Harmony of Discord – Nodal Trading System finds turning points from balance on multiple timeframes –works with futures markets with 24 hour price charts. Based on the book “The Harmony of Discord”
Fractal Pattern Recognition – Configurable on multiple timeframes and markets, this module finds repeating time-price patterns from days to months prior.
Algorithmic Realtime Alerts Combine intraday / EOD indicators and conditions to be alerted to trading setups – completely configurable and easy to use – scan one or many instruments algorithmically
Premarket Gaps – filter above/below daily ranges or moving averages
Gann Analysis
Transits to Transits or Transits to Natal/Progressions/Directions, display time projections easily on the price chart. Includes Ecliptic Intercepts, Declination/Latitude Parallels, Inflections or min/max. Filter by Declination or Latitude Strength to find the strongest aspects. Phases of the moon, eclipses. Generate Ephemeris.
Planetary Price Modules used to plot harmonics of Planetary Longitude and Declination/Latitude. Lines and reversed lines can be displayed in the Geocentric/ Heliocentric in 2 different modes
Time Projection Analysis
The powerful Time Projection Analysis Tool finds the best planet/degree movement for a market. Analyzes natals, planets, planetary pairs, declination, latitude, eclipses, and much more. Display the results easily on the price chart. Helio and Geo Price Lines/Harmonics.
Gann Angles- 6 types of configurable Gann Angles. A Geometric Squareouts feature is included in this module.
Cycles Library - Martin Armstrong's Pi Cycle, Earth Tides , Sun Spot data
Dozens of technical analysis studies/tools, Multiple Intraday Timeframes. 1 week free trial. FREE EOD price data through Yahoo/Import your own CSV price data
What kind of Gann Analysis do you want to do ? I’d like to hear from you - email me at [email protected]