Predefined Indicators
Some commonly used daily indicators can be found in the Configure Conditions window
Predefined Daily indicators include the following
- DPointsTrueD - points from previous day close to last price
- DPoints%TrueD - percentage from previous day close to last price
- 15MHigh - High of the first 15 minutes since open
- 15MLow - Low of the first 15 minutes since open
- 30MHigh - High of the first 30 minutes since open
- 30MLow - Low of the first 30 minutes since open
- 60MHigh - High of the first 60 minutes since open
- 60MLow - Low of the first 60 minutes since open
- 90MHigh - High of the first 90 minutes since open
- 90MLow - Low of the first 90 minutes since open
- 120MHigh - High of the first 120 minutes since open
- 120MLow - Low of the first 120 minutes since open
- 240MHigh - High of the first 240 minutes since open
- 240MLow - Low of the first 240 minutes since open
- LongEntryPrice
- ShortEntryPrice
- MinutesSinceEntry
- DOpenD - today's daily open
- DHighD - today's daily high
- DLowD - today's daily low
- DCloseD - today's daily close
- DVolumeD - today's daily volume
- DvsD - Today's Volume Strength - today's volume as a percentage of the average daily volume, prorated over the amount of trading elapsed so far
- DGapD - today's gap in points
- DGap%D - today's gap as a percentage
- DPointsD - last price - open
- DPointsD - last price - open in percentage
- DOpen-1D - previous day's open
- DHigh-1D - previous day's high
- DLow-1D - previous day's low
- DClose-1D - previous day's close
- bid - current bid
- ask - current ask
- bidsize - current bid size
- asksize - current ask size