
Pivots Indicators

The Pivots Type of indicators include the following

  • CBrkUp
  • Close
  • High
  • HiLoTimeRange
  • InsideBar
  • IslandReversalDn
  • IslandReversalUp
  • KeyReversalDn
  • KeyReversalUp
  • Low
  • MidPoint
  • Open
  • OutsideBar
  • Vol
  • ZZClose
  • ZZHiLo


Consolidation Breaks - CBrkUp, CBrkDn, CBrkDiff 

Use these 3 indicators to find break ups or break downs over the last X number of bars. Use CBrkUp to find break ups and CBrkDn to find Break Downs. CBrkDiff calculates the difference between the high and the low of the last X bars, in points and as a percentage


Open, High, Low, Close, Volume Indicators 

These indicators retrieve the previous (open, high, low, close, volume) X bars back. Use 'Open', 'High','Low','Close', or 'Vol' indicators to retrieve previous values of the Open, High, Low, Close or Volume.


CFTPP - Chicago Floor Trader Pivot Points 

This indicator is used by floor traders on Chicago Mercantile Exchange to calculate short term support and resistence levels for commodities. It consists of two support an two resistance levels.



This indicator detects whether the current Bar is an inside Bar It returns a 1 if it's an Inside Bar, 0 Otherwise.



This indicator detects whether the current Bar is an outside Bar. It returns a 1 if it's an Outside Bar, 0 Otherwise.



A Key Reversal Up occurs when Current Bar Low < prev Bar Low and Current Bar Close > Prev Bar Close. It returns a 1 if it's an KeyReversalUp Bar, 0 Otherwise.



A Key Reversal Down occurs when the Current Bar High > Prev Bar High and Current Bar Close < Prev Bar Close. It returns a 1 if it's an KeyReversalDn Bar, 0 Otherwise.



An island reversal is a chart formation where there is a gap on both sides of the candle. Island reversals frequently show up after a trending move is in its final phase The IslandReversalUp indicator returns a 1 if it's found, 0 Otherwise.



An island reversal is a chart formation where there is a gap on both sides of the candle. Island reversals frequently show up after a trending move is in its final phase The IslandReversalDn indicator returns a 1 if it's found, 0 Otherwise.


CPRUp - Closing Point Reversal Up 

A Closing Point Reversal up(CPRUp) occurs when the Current High > Previous High and Current Low < Previous Low and Current Close > Previous High. It returns a 1 if a CPRUp occurs within the last barsback bars, 0 otherwise


CPRDn - Closing Point Reversal Down 

A Closing Point Reversal down(CPRDn) occurs when the Current High > Previous High and Current Low < Previous Low and Current Close < Previous Low. It returns a 1 if a CPRDn occurs within the last barsback bars, 0 otherwise


Offset Indicator 

Offset is used to retrieve the previous bars of a moving indicator or bar. Use Offset indicator to retrieve previous values of indicators. Use 'Open', 'High','Low','Close', or 'Vol' indicators to retrieve previous values of the Open, High, Low, Close or Volume.



The HiLoTimeRange indicator finds the high/low of the time range specified by the user. For example the high/low of trading between 9:30 and 10:30 ET. This indicator is similar to the Predefined Daily Indicators which find the high/low of various time ranges, starting from the open of the instrument.