
Fractals Module

Stormchaser Technologies | Kairos FractalsThe Fractal Module scans for repeating patterns in the market. Price/Time patterns are matched based on Time/Price criteria and Fractals can be detected on multiple timeframes. Once a match is found for the first 3-4 vectors, the pattern is often continued. Patterns are searched in 3-4 months worth of intraday data. It's typical to use 15,30 and 60 minute timeframes, but others can be configured as well. Parameters can be specified to filter the "fit" of the fractal.  

Fractals Module Video

Just as fractals occur in living organisms, plants, animals, crystals, and all parts of nature, they occur in the market.


What's Included in the Fractals Module:

  1. Fractal Detection
  2. Fractal DB/Filtering Criteria
  3. View Matching Fractal


Sample Screens


Fractals MOdule

15-Minute Fractal w/ Gann Angles

Here is a fractal found in the Australian Dollar on the 15 minute timeframe. The Gann Angles shown confirm a move down.


Fractals Module

Same Report 2-1/2 Months Earlier

This report shows the fractal, with the matching base fractal from 2 1/2 months earlier.


Fractals Module

Fractal Completion

This report shows the above Fractal coming to a completion.


Fractal Report

Fractal in the ES

Here's an example of fractal in the ES on the 15 minute timeframe.