Consolidation Breaks - CBrkUp, CBrkDn, CBrkDiff
Use these 3 indicators to find break ups or break downs over the last X number of bars. Use CBrkUp to find break ups and CBrkDn to find Break Downs. CBrkDiff calculates the difference between the high and the low of the last X bars, in points and as a percentage
CBrkUp Consolidation Break Up
CBrkDn - Consolidation Break Down
CBrkDiff - Consolidation Break Difference
All 3 indicators take BarsBack as an input parameter
d_CBrkUp5 is configured to calculate the high of the previous 5 bars ( barsback 5)
d_CBrkDn5 is configured to calculate the low of the previous 5 bars (barsback 5)
d_CBrkDiff is configured to calculate the difference of the high and low of the last 5 bars in Points(Pts) and percentage(Pct)
This Chart shows the Consolidation Breakup over the last 5 bars
This Chart shows the Consolidation Break down over the last 5 bars
This Chart shows the Consolidation Break Difference over the last 5 bars in Points and Percentage
The CBrkUp, CBrkDn, and CBrkDiff indicators can be used in conditions. The condition shown is a consolidation Break Difference of the last 5 bars is greater than 1 percent